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Breath Shield for AO 12415 NCT. Gives you maximum protection.Material: AcrylicEasy to clean (but not..
ARK Breath Shield. Breath shield for autorefractor. Designed to fit over the ARK. Gives you maximum ..
Breath Shield for ARK, Autorefractor shield, MARCO NIDEK ARK-510A/530A. Designed to fit over the ARK..
Breath Shield for ARK, Autorefractor shield, NIDEK ARK-700 Series (ARK-760A, ARK-730A, etc). Designe..
Breath Shield for Fundus Camera, Nidek AFC-330Material: Non-fragile PETGEasy to clean (resistan..
Breath Shield for Fundus Camera, Topcon TRC-50DXMaterial: PETGEasy to clean (resistant to alcohol). ..
Breath Shield for HAAG STREIT Biometer Lenstar LS 900. Dimensions provided by Haag Streit. Gives you..
NCT Breath Shield. Breath shield for Non Contact Tonometer. Designed to fit over the NCT. Gives you ..
Breath Shield for NCT, Tonometry shield, Reichert Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA) G3.Breath Shield fo..
NCT Breath Shield. Breath shield for Non Contact Tonometer. Designed to fit over the NCT. Custom mad..
Breath Shield for OCT Optovue Ivue. Gives you maximum protection.Material: AcrylicEasy to clean (but..
Breath Shield for Oculus Biometer Pentacam.Material: AcrylicEasy to clean. See cleaning instruc..
Universal Surgical Microscope Breath Shield for use with any surgical microscope. Fits over oculars ..
Breath Shield for Topographer, Zeiss Atlas.Material: AcrylicEasy to clean. See cleaning instructions..
Breath Shield for Vizual Field Analyzer, Zeiss Humphrey Field Analyzer 3. To be mounted on the side...