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Gonio Lenses

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Ocular 1.5X Magna View Gonio
Product Code: OMVGL-1.5X Gonio Mag: 1.50x Gonio Laser Spot Mag: .67x Contact Diameter: 14.5mm Len..
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Ocular 1.5X Magna View Gonio with Flange
Product Code: OMVGLF-1.5X Gonio Mag: 1.50x Gonio Laser Spot Mag: .67x Contact Diameter: 15.5mm Le..
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Ocular Ahmed 1.5X Surgical Gonio
Product Code: OASG Image Mag: 1.5x Gonio FOV: 90° Contact Diameter: 10mm Download Product Data Shee..
Ocular Ahmed 1.5X Surgical Gonio w/Handle
Product Code: OASG-H Image Mag: 1.5x Gonio FOV: 90° Contact Diameter: 10mm Handle Length: 72mm Down..
Ocular Ahmed DVX Surgical Gonio
Product Code: OADVX-H Magnification: 1.3X FOV: 120° Download Product Data Sheet (PDF)   ..
Ocular Four Mirror Mini Gonio Laser with Large Ring
Product Code: O4GFA-LRGonio Mag: .80xGonio Laser Spot Mag: 1.25xContact Diameter: 15mmLens Height: 2..
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Ocular Four Mirror Mini Gonio with Large Ring
Product Code: O4GF-LRGonio Mag: .80xContact Diameter: 15mmLens Height: 26mmRing Diameter: 32.5mmStat..
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Ocular Gaasterland 1X Four Mirror Gonio with handle
Product Code: OG4MG-1X-HGonio Mag: 1.00xContact Diameter: 8.5mmLens Height: 18mmRing Diameter: n/aSt..
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Ocular Gaasterland 1X Four Mirror Gonio with Large Ring
Product Code: OG4MG-1X-LRGonio Mag: 1.00xContact Diameter: 8.5mmLens Height: 28mmRing Diameter: 31.5..
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Ocular Gaasterland 1X Four Mirror Gonio with Large Ring with 15mm flange
Product Code: OG4MG-1X-LR-15Gonio Mag: 1.00xContact Diameter: 15mmLens Height: 30mmRing Diameter: 31..
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Ocular Gaasterland 1X Four Mirror Gonio with Large Ring with 17mm flange
Product Code: OG4MG-1X-LR-17Gonio Mag: 1.00xContact Diameter: 17mmLens Height: 31mmRing Diameter: 31..
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Ocular Gaasterland Four Mirror Gonio with Handle
Product Code: OG4MG-HGonio Mag: .61xContact Diameter: 8.5mmLens Height: 18mmRing Diameter: n/aStatic..
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Ocular Gaasterland Four Mirror Gonio with Large Ring
Product Code: OG4MG-LRGonio Mag: .61xContact Diameter: 8.5mmLens Height: 28mmRing Diameter: 31.5mmSt..
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Ocular Gaasterland Four Mirror Gonio with Large Ring with 15mm Flange
Product Code: OG4MG-LR-15Note: OG4MG-LR lens w/OACF4-15 flangeGonio Mag: .61xContact Diameter: 15mmL..
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Ocular Gaasterland Four Mirror Gonio with Large Ring with 17mm Flange
Product Code: OG4MG-LR-17Note: OG4MG-LR lens w/OACF4-17 flange; methylcellulose recommendedGonio Mag..
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